The work from home has become the latest trend and is on the rise. So maintaining an intranet that is effective is the need of the hour. SharePoint intranet is a popular platform that helps in greater collaboration, sharing important documents across the organizations.

It is backed with some of the most modern intranet features and it used properly, it can become an anchor to the organizational culture. But with numerous intranet providers in the market, selecting the right one might be a daunting task.
So here in this blog, I have come up with a list of some of the top intranet features that you need to look for while choosing your SharePoint Intranet development.
Company Dashboard:
Being away and feeling connected to the organization is not an easy task. So to aid your employees in staying well connected, your intranet must have a common dashboard and it should also be a virtual synonymous space for the office notice boards and the inter employee chitchatting.
Here the space needs appropriate sections for company basic updates and announcements and news. It is only a great feature in SharePoint internet that you can stay updated on departmental updates, customer updates and company policies and everything else.
People centric features:
An intranet is always expected to be the virtual hub of an organization and it should bind each of the users in a single unit. Therefore, your SharePoint website development should be for the people and of the people, which emanates the company culture in every possible means. Some of the most desired and modern intranet features of an employee centric intranet are:
The personal sub theme option
Any work or birthday portal
The push notifications for matters of individual interest
Maintaining personalized profiles
Informal forums
Appreciation and recognition center
Web content management and searchability:
Information or data is considered to be one of the organization’s biggest assets, it is one of the most difficult to manage too. An intranet should be users as a library that is well managed rather than just an information dumping yard.
Your SharePoint intranet should also be intelligent enough to organize all the information and documents in the best possible manner and it must have some powerful search features having lots of filters, which ensure that the employees don’t waste their important time searching the documents or content they need to complete a work.
Another most important SharePoint intranet development features that you need to consider is to pair with those of social media and ensure that it attracts traffic too. If a SharePoint intranet can take up inspiration from the basics of social media, then it can surely do wonders and have a great influence on your digital workplace with these features and also offer an employee engagement.
Do make sure that the intranet can easily integrate the already existing business apps and platforms like Feed, Yammer and Teams so as to avoid the resentment among the employees.